
The problems of education in Hong Kong

If we have to talk about the problems of education in Hong Kong, there would be a lot.

The education in Hong Kong is exam-oriented. Although the system have changed from the old one to 334 system, we still choose the students to get in university based on their examination results.
We may too focus on the academic results of a person rather than his/her personalities.It is because only academic results cannot totally reflect the whole image of that person.

Also, there are different teenage problems in school. There would be the examples like drug abuse, bullying, etc. Although the government seems to think different solutions to solve the problems, they are still happeneing now.

Compare woth Japan, the growing problems of the two places are similar. The education in Japan is more relaxing than that in Hong Kong. At schools in Japan, there are many activities for students to join. The students do not need to study many subjects. But it causes the lower of the academic results. So the parents will send their children to tutorial classes. It may make the children's lives become more harder.

In my opinion, the education situations of Hong Kong and also Japan have different problems. The governments may learn from each other to have a better situation.


Survey feedback - 2nd day

The group which presenting the topic "Travel in HK" have different types of questions, like food, places, shopping, etc. It can let us know more about the different opinion of the Japanese about Hong Kong. It is amazing that no people have been to the Ocean Park. It may be because there are many places which are same as the Ocean Park so the Japanese have no interest to visit.

The other is talking about the anime in Japan. The powerpoint is very beautiful and it is a clear presentation with several pie charts to describe the results. It is suprising because of the wide rande of favourite animation. In fact, I know most of the names on the list and I think that the people have thought a long time to type the names. (=3=) The result that most people think animation means nothing in their life suprised me because most of them have their own favourite animations.


Survey feedback - 1st day

Because of being a member of Group 2, so here is only the feedback about the presentation of Group 1.

The result of Group 1's survey which is about music in Japanese was amazing that there are so many people love listening Eglish songs. This is a thing that I never expect...with no reasons.

More than that, I am also surprised that the favourite singer who the Japanese like most was not YUI. The result showed that the Japanese quite love the traditional songs. It may be related to the age of the interviewee.


Personal Pronoun Project

After discovering, there are lots of usage about personal pronouns...

= the normal use in daily life. We can find them on the textbook...(・ω・`)

eg. a part of lyrics of Magnet (song)
私(わたし)の蝶(ちょう) 不規則(ふきそく)に飛(と)び回(まわ)り

= for offical use, more polite when compare with "わたし"

eg. from 黑執事 (anime),セバスチャン・ミカエリス's lines
私はあくまで执事ですから。 (わたくし、あくまでしつじですから。)

= for daily use and writing

eg. a part of lyrics of 手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ~ (song)

= for young boys to represent themselves. But from the song below, I think some young girls would like to use it too now...

eg. a part of lyrics of 手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ~ (song)
拝啓 この手紙読んでいるあなたは どこで何をしているのだろう
十五の僕には誰にも話せない 悩みの種があるのです

= for adults to use when talking with children, younger or same generation. But it feels a little bit rude...

eg. picture of 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない (book)

= some adults would like to use this, but with representing rude and arrogant

eg. a song called "俺様による俺様の為の俺様の歌"

= mostly for girls to use in daily life. But are there some boys use it also...?

eg. a part of lyrics from ホシアカリ
「どこにも行かないでね。」 強く想うけれど
あたしはあなたへと 何をしてあげれただろう

Overall, わたし,じぶん,ぼく and あたしare used in daily life. おれ and おれさま seems a little bit rude. わたくし seems a polite way to represent ourselves.

For me, I would like to use わたし or ぼく because I always hear them...゚.+:。ヾ(*´ ∀`)ノ゚.+:。
Sometimes I think I look like a boy.♪(゜ε゜*)


Japanese Geography Project

I have been to Japan for few times and the place that I love most is Hokkaido.
I went to Hokkaido in winter and I could not forget the first time of seeing the snow. (=w=)
After that, I went to there once more in summer. That is amazing that there is totally a different pictures with beautiful flowers instead of snow.
But there is a bad news that I cannot find the photos out...。゜(゜ノд`*)゜。
Let me introduce the special things that I still remember...although that was a long time ago. (O3O)


I just remember that I fell down many times when learning skiing. The weather was cold. When I fell down on the "floor", it was hurt! By the way, skiing is an exciting activities and it is a god practice for balancing.


The food was so delicious aspecially sashimi and sushi. They were fresh and the sweet favour of the food could totally brought out.

Lavender (富良野)

I went to Hokkaido in summer time and saw the lavender farm. I was suprised when facing a large area where was full of lavender. The smell of lavender was good. Lastly, I brought a doll carrying a bag with dried lavender and it is still staying on my bed.

Hot spring (洞爺)

It was HOT! Very HOT! Before getting in the hot spring, people should wash themselves to be clean first, then get in the hot spring. It seemed that we had to get in a "cold spring" after staying in the hot spring but I have forgotten the reason already. Besides, staying in the hot spring outdoors was a interesting experience because your body would feel warm or hot but your face would be hitting by strong cold wind!


Writing Project......1?

The examples shown below were onomatopeic, foreign words, emphasized words and names.

The sound of heartbeat = ドキドキ ≧ω≦
Foreign words:
Chocolate = チョコレート

Emphasized words:
UNIQLO = ユニクロ
(to emphasize the brand name)
(will be explained as an example later)

リラックマ is the name of
The picture shown above is the logo of UNIQLO. Besides the English brand name, UNIQLO also uses
ユニクロ to be their brand name. I guess the function of using katakana to present is to emphasize their company. The name which is used katakana can show all people that UNIQLO is a japanese company. The name which is used English can show that UNIQLO is an international company. Also, using katakana is feeling cool to attract people.

I found this at the back of a music disc box bought in Popular. We can see it uses katakana カントリー‧ロード to represent Country Rord which is the name of an English song. It can make people especially Japanese have a clear image about the song, which means the song is highly emphasized. Also, after "rephrasing" the name of the song, it is easily to know that this song is sung in Japanese but not English and the Japanese is easier to be read.


The First Language Lesson...



Please forgive me to use English. Here's my short self-introduction.

As I have not learnt Japanese yet, so I'm using English for typing now but I hope one day I can use Japanese to wirte.

In daily life, people instead of calling me Phoebe but BLUE on the internet, so for the title.

I love watching animations and reading comics. Through such animations, comics and books, I have chances to know about different things in Japan and I want to understand more understanding about them. I hope one day I would have a job relating to Japan and its culture like book publisher, cafe organizer, etc.

I like singing, drawing and reading...(≧ 3≦)ノ