
Writing Project......1?

The examples shown below were onomatopeic, foreign words, emphasized words and names.

The sound of heartbeat = ドキドキ ≧ω≦
Foreign words:
Chocolate = チョコレート

Emphasized words:
UNIQLO = ユニクロ
(to emphasize the brand name)
(will be explained as an example later)

リラックマ is the name of
The picture shown above is the logo of UNIQLO. Besides the English brand name, UNIQLO also uses
ユニクロ to be their brand name. I guess the function of using katakana to present is to emphasize their company. The name which is used katakana can show all people that UNIQLO is a japanese company. The name which is used English can show that UNIQLO is an international company. Also, using katakana is feeling cool to attract people.

I found this at the back of a music disc box bought in Popular. We can see it uses katakana カントリー‧ロード to represent Country Rord which is the name of an English song. It can make people especially Japanese have a clear image about the song, which means the song is highly emphasized. Also, after "rephrasing" the name of the song, it is easily to know that this song is sung in Japanese but not English and the Japanese is easier to be read.


The First Language Lesson...



Please forgive me to use English. Here's my short self-introduction.

As I have not learnt Japanese yet, so I'm using English for typing now but I hope one day I can use Japanese to wirte.

In daily life, people instead of calling me Phoebe but BLUE on the internet, so for the title.

I love watching animations and reading comics. Through such animations, comics and books, I have chances to know about different things in Japan and I want to understand more understanding about them. I hope one day I would have a job relating to Japan and its culture like book publisher, cafe organizer, etc.

I like singing, drawing and reading...(≧ 3≦)ノ